Graduate Student Life
New Students
North Carolina Residency
- NCSU Residency for Tuition Purposes
- Driver’s License Info: WARNING! Even if you already have a driver’s license from another state, you may have to pass a written exam to get your NC license.
- Registration and Plate Renewal
Student Health
- BlueCross BlueShield NCSU TA/RA Insurance Info
- NCSU Student Health Center: Most appointments at the Student Health Center are free with the NCSU grad student insurance.
- NCSU HealthyPack: Make Health Center appointments, renew medication at the on-campus pharmacy, submit health history and immunizations records.
- Math Grad Student Apartment Recommendations (updated Summer 2017): A list of nearby apartment complexes with reviews by math grad student renters. Please submit additional recommendations to MGSA and we’ll update the list!
- Apartment Finder: apartments near NCSU
- Wolfline: NCSU Bus System (completely free)
- Amtrak: There is an Amtrak station in downtown Raleigh at 320 West Cabarrus Street
- Capital Area Transit: Raleigh area public transportation: free with a GoPass
- Triangle Transit Authority: Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill public transportation: free with a GoPass, and includes a bus from NCSU campus to the RDU airport (Route 100)
- NCSU Bike Information: Includes trail maps, registration, repair, and rental info.
- NCSU Student Parking Info
Service Providers
- Recommendations for local service providers from your fellow math grad students. Please submit additional recommendations to and we’ll update the list!
Recreation, Restaurants, and other Raleigh-area Recommendations
- Recommendations for local places to try from your fellow math grad students. Please submit additional recommendations to and we’ll update the list!